Hello everyone, I want to perform a KEGG pathway enrichment analysis in R and I would like to request help, I have a table of IDs and the associated KEGG term, as well as a table of differential expression of the genes on which I want to do the KEGG analysis, anyone could you guide me?
My KEGG list:
Zm00001eb0961100 ko:K05359
Zm00001eb3216800 ko:K21596
Zm00001eb3236400 -
Zm00001eb0802600 ko:K10406
Zm00001eb0264900 ko:K13946
My DEGs list (deseq2):
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
Zm00001eb000370 83.58504092 2.580437493 0.33040911 7.809825506 5.73E-15 1.79E-13
Zm00001eb000450 134.6974945 1.118574691 0.174756454 6.400763268 1.55E-10 2.35E-09
Zm00001eb000790 68.87059177 1.251076899 0.285848224 4.376717405 1.20E-05 7.31E-05
Zm00001eb000850 123.1027878 8.837192547 1.221856886 7.23259217 4.74E-13 1.09E-11
I really appreciated the support
Thanks so much.
I have a problem to do the analysis in R. I want to kindly ask you: How did you perform KEGG pathway enrichment analysis in R for Zea mays? I have the same table output from DESeq2 Thank you in advance for your help