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11 months ago
As mentioned in the title, if duplicates removal can't be performed, such as in amplicon-seq, how do we recover real AF of variant? Won't PCR duplicates be a disruption?
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- Any tools for predicting binding affinity between TCR and epitode?
- Method to detect genome doubling
- Can we get absolute abundance of TCR using TCR-Seq?
- Shannon vs Simpson for TCR diversity estimation
- Why did expression based subtypng of breast cancer gain much more acceptance than others
- Treat methylation as binary or continuous signal when detecting DMR?
- Is definition of differentially methylated region (DMR) biologically meaningful?
- Why NB distribution is preferred in RNA-Seq while normal distribution is preferred in microarray?
- Logit-normal distribution to model variation among biological replicates
- Identifying zygosity of somatic deletion
- In PCA on RNA-Seq data, what does Gaussian distribution refer to?
- Why can we still be able to continuously discover new cancer driver bioinformatically these days?
- non-reference allele didn't be called into vcf by HC
- Archieve of homologous nucleotide sequence across genome
- Library size normalization during CNV calling from genomically doubled tumor tissue
- Noisy CNV background in old FFPE sample
- Effect size in power analysis when dealing with Poisson based variant caller
- Why methylation sequencing requires much less sequencing depth than DNA-Seq?
- Mutated gene based pathway enrichment
- Why can't use t-test for differential expression (negative binomial distribution assumed)
- Multiple testing correction issue
- Is linearity maintained in linear regression of RNA-Seq?
- Why use LASSO / elastic net in survival regression?
- why PCA for RNA-Seq but tSNE for scRNA-seq?
- Can remote, but same type, tissue be used as RNA-Seq normal control for tumor study?
- Why NMF for mutation signature analysis
- Gene expression distribution (non-DE and DE)
- Would different enrichment tools result differently by defining pathway differently
- Any tools to estimate the relative abundance of immune cell in tumor
- Driver mutation vs biomarker vs recurrent mutation
- SciClone: Why cluster in non-CN neutral region considering it infers only on CN neutral region
- STAR-HT-Seq/featureCount got much more gene expression count than RSEM did
- Inconsistency of allele depth in BAM and VCF
- CBS in CNV calling
- How 2-channel sequencing chemistry (Next-Seq) distinguish "G" and 'no signal'
- one sample from pool shows low quality at the end, why?
- WGS coverage (depth) for CNV detection
- Reads aligning in unstranded RNA-Seq library
- what cause poly-G from NextSeq
- ExAC includes WES of phenotyped population
- Is DNA or RNA better to get somatic mutation profile for neoantigen estimation?
- Infer somatic mutations without normal control
- pipeline for neo-antigen identification
- Fragment size and insert size
- Why CNV calling using VarScan need two steps of fragments merging?
- Can phasing or pre-phase during basecall cause indel?
- Two confusion in bam format
- Why perfectly match (150M) records are not primary alignment in SAM
- A confusion regarding haplotype
- What kind of advantage does PEAR bring?
- Do multiple SNPs exist in same chromosome to be called allele?
- Will random hexamer priming introduce SNP / SNV detection bias?
- Detecting CNV can't cover aneuploidy situation
- STAR genomeLoad issue
- Distribution of somatic mutation
- Detecting variants at very low fractions from ctDNA
- Call variant from RNA-Seq data using Haplotypecaller
• link
11 months ago by
Pierre Lindenbaum