I want to perform SV calling on nanopore data. From the resulting bam file after aligning and sorting I add the MD flag with samtools calmd and then run sniffles
sniffles -m alignment_md.bam -v SV_calls.vcf
Then when I want to sort the .vcf I get
FILTER 'STRANDBIAS' is not defined in the header
From what I've seen, the VCF is missing a FILTER option but I can't find how to choose the configuration for the missing filter. Anyway, I added it from someone asking another thing that happened to include this filter in their file:
##FILTER=<ID=STRANDBIAS,Description="VariantStrandBias < 0.02 && StrandBias > 0.02">
After doing that I'm able to sort the .vcf but I don't know how to interpret this. Is the a way to compare the called SVs with a database to see which of them are annotated similar to doing so with ClinVar for SNVs? Or should I just check if the called SVs correspond to the ones causing the diseases in my study?
How was this done? MD tags should only be required if you did not align to a reference. Aligning with
followed by sorting should allow you to runsniffles
on the sorted BAM.