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8 months ago
I am analyzing RNAseq data coming from an experiment that concerns 2 different and independent treatment. I am wondering how should I perform RNAseq analysis to obtain DEGs from each condition and on top of that the DEGs shared between the two treatment and the exclusive ones. Which kind of approach should I use?
Especially, I would like have a for cycle that for each gene present in the result dataframe of condition 1 check if the same gene in the result dataframe of the condition 2 has a log2FoldChange between -0.1 and 0.1, and save it in a new dataframe.
Thank you so much in advance
I think what you should do is do differential expression for your two contrasts: treatment 1 vs control and treatment 2 vs control. DESeq2 has a function for contrast:
After that, you can find the exclusive and shared genes of each contrast through Venn or Upset plot. Here are some tools:
yes, this is what I did. However, since my treatments are very similar each other, when I check upregulated genes in one treatment, they are also upregulated in the other one. It is for this reason that I would like to implement the 'for' cycle mentioned above, but I am not really able to make it my self.