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10 months ago
Hi, I did a GSEA analysis in R for Arabidopsis. Using the code :
gse <- gseGO(gene_list,
ont = "BP",
keyType = "TAIR",
OrgDb = "org.At.tair.db",
eps = 1e-300)
Now I want to retrieve all the data from this analysis, eg- which genes are present in a particular GO term and which genes from my list (gene_list) are present in that GO term. How can we do this?
One example:
My output (example_biostars_up.csv):
IDs by GO term:
GO:0000779 ---- 991/1062/10403/55355
Thank you. I have another question. Is there a way to get the gene list under "setSize" from the output that you gave as an example.