Hello, Curious to know if there's a way to convert SAM/BAM file generated using minimap2 to GTF/GFF file. The purpose is to use it as transcript alignment evidence for EVM. Kindly suggest!
Regards, B
Hello, Curious to know if there's a way to convert SAM/BAM file generated using minimap2 to GTF/GFF file. The purpose is to use it as transcript alignment evidence for EVM. Kindly suggest!
Regards, B
You can convert to BED format with
bedtools bamtobed
then either use the resulting BED file or transform that to GFF. But with the caveat that it is none of the attributes would be filled in, so it would be quite the minimal and simplistic GFF
a better solution would be to use a tool like miniprot
to generate actual GFF files based on proteins aligned to genome
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