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10 months ago
Hi, I am performing base quality score recalibration using GATK for my whole genome sequenced data of dog. I used the following command:
gatk BaseRecalibrator \
-R canFam3.1.fa \
-I Tumor_canfam3.1_alignment_sorted_rmdup.bam \
--known-sites Filtred_Published.vcf \
-O GdT_recalibration_report.table
gatk ApplyBQSR
-R canFam3.1.fa \
-I Tumor_canfam3.1_alignment_sorted_rmdup.bam \
--bqsr-recal-file GdT_recalibration_report.table \
-O GideonTumor_bqsr.bam
I took the known sites file from iDog snpdatabase.
I am receiving the following error message:
A USER ERROR has occurred: Input files reference and features have incompatible contigs: No overlapping contigs found.
Someone please help me with this.
Hi, Thanks for your reply. Are you aware of vcf file compatible to canfam 3.1 reference genome?