Hello everyone !
I'm trying to polish my genome assembly, and for this I need to use Pilon (there other options from PacBio tools and software being unavailable). My problem is that I don't see anywhere some recommendations to install this tool.
I read the several sections form the wiki page : https://github.com/broadinstitute/pilon/wiki , but wasn't able to find it. I found an installation using conda that didn't worked for me.
The steps I accomplished so far, is cloning the pilon deposit from github in my computer. Then, I tried to launch the build.sh script, which gave me the following error :
Loutre:~/pilon$ ./build.sh
./build.sh: 14: ./build.sh: sbt: not found
ln: impossible de créer le lien symbolique «/home/loutre/lib/pilon/pilon-dev.jar»: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
(It says that the file or directory does not exist, which is true in my case).
I think that I missing something. As it's a java source file, I thought about using jar with some other arguments, but there is no single indications in the README.md, and there is so many .scala files in the directory src. I'm kind of lost here.
I saw that some users recommended Pilon to other people, someone also had the same trouble as me ( smkopac) in this post : How to install Picard/Pilons software and do variant call on a set of .sam files? when trying to run :
java -Xmx16G -jar lib/htsjdk-1.130.jar pilon --help
Any help or further informations that I may have missed will be really appreciated. I hope that this is not a stupid question.
I am trying to install the software but I didn't find the way to clone from github. Could you help me with the pipeline of instruction you follow.
Thanks in advance for your help,