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9 months ago
Hello everybody.
It's the first time I've been confronted with something like this. After performing a differential analysis using a Tomato genome downloaded from this page, I would like to perform a Gene Enrichment analysis on the differentially expressed genes. However, I have never used a GOterm.txt (from here) as a reference.
Could you tell me how I should do it or a guide/app?
To perform functional enrichment analysis there are packages such as topGO or clusterProfiler that can work very well. Lately I've been using clusterProfiler for the graphs it comes from, maybe you should take a look at the clusterProfiler manual:
If your organism does not have support you may need to use AnnotationHub to retrieve GO terms:
Thank u for your reply. The problem is that I used the genome and gene annotation from that webpage, not ensemble or ncbi, so I have to use the Goterm.txt file from that webpage