Good morning,
I aim to chop an already aligned bam file based on different regions of a gene as follow:
samtools view -b -o out.bam -L regions.bed origin.bam
samtools sort -o out.sort.bam out.bam
samtools index
Then I want to convert the out.bam
into two unaligned FASTQ files (each member of the read pair parsed to one of the two files) using SamToFastq:
java -jar picard.jar SamToFastq I=out.sort.bam F=out.sort.bam_R1.fastq F2=out.sort.bam_R2.fastq
at this point I get the error: SAM validation error: ERROR::MATE_NOT_FOUND:Found 227 unpaired mates
see below output from java -Xmx10g -jar picard.jar ValidateSamFile I=out.sort.bam O=out_file.log
ERROR::MATE_NOT_FOUND:Read name xxxx, Mate not found for paired read
I've also tried samtools fixmate -r out.sort.bam out.sort.bam_fixmate.bam
but doesn't work.
Any suggestions about how to fix this or an alternative way to do it?
Thank you!
Thank you for the feedback! I already used just the
samtools fastq -1 R1.fq.gz -2 R2.fq.gz -s Rx.fq.gz -0 R0.fq.gz
. Could you please explain what the collate does? Thank you!