Hey everyone. I'm trying to perform a metagenomic analysis by following a tutorial in galaxy here is the link : https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/microbiome/tutorials/nanopore-16S-metagenomics/tutorial.html
I finished it. Actually i didnt get any error but in the end while i was doing pie charts from kraken2 reports. It gave me this error:
** THIS IS THE ERROR* The following taxonomy IDs were not found in the local database and were set to root (if they were recently added to NCBI, use updateTaxonomy.sh to update the local database): 177 18234 225 36 58 17015 74 15 115 16725 46 17051 12 17285 17989 5 4 18026 3 17748
I updated the database with this code : ./updateTaxonomy.sh
And i tried again. I dont know why its not like the pie chart from the tutorial and i couldnt find an answer so im here. Is there anyone knows this tool to help me. Or better github searcher to find a solution.
Thank you for your attention.