Is it necessary to do genotype quality filteration after snp calling with GATK
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4 months ago
IdaHao0921 ▴ 20

I have whole genome sequencing data from different sources. And the sequencing depth varies greatly among different samples. And I joint-called SNPs with all samples. When I do SNP filteration after SNP calling, I found that the genotype quality is influenced by sequencing depth. For example, I set GQ >= 30 as my threshold, a genotype that does not meet this threshold is considered a missing genotype. Then after max-missing filteration, I found only very few SNPs are retained, which can not meet the requirements of subsequent analysis. Even if I lowered the threshold to 20, SNPs left are still inadequate. So I calculated the proportion of variants that meet the threshold in each individual. I found that the higher the sequencing depth of the individual, the higher the proportion of variants that met the threshold . How can I fix this problem? Can I just skip the GQ filteration? Does that affect the analysis later on, like population structure analysis, demographic analysis or selective sweep indentification?

snp filteration genotype quality GATK • 528 views
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The species I study is not a model species, VQSR can not be applied here. I already used gatk hard-filtering. I mean, after hard-filtering, is it necessary to do genotype quality filteration?

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