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9 months ago
Hi! I plotted a RCS with ggplot2 package based on my data. The plot looks like a curve obviously, but the p value for nonlinearity = 0.69.
What went wrong?
I checked the p value with "anova" function, it tells the exactly same value:
Wald Statistics Response: MAFLD
Factor Chi-Square d.f. P
logALT 839.22 4 <.0001
Nonlinear 1.45 3 0.6934
HBsAg 18.87 1 <.0001
age_categroty 16.65 3 0.0008
V1 19.87 1 <.0001
V2 205.39 1 <.0001
V3 7.83 3 0.0497
V4 19.16 3 0.0003
T2M1 348.41 1 <.0001
HBP 251.88 1 <.0001
hyperlipidemia 435.14 1 <.0001
High_WC 1468.87 1 <.0001
UA 530.13 1 <.0001
CREA 18.16 1 <.0001
V5 22.67 1 <.0001
AST 217.05 1 <.0001
DBIL 22.03 1 <.0001
V6 42.29 1 <.0001
V7 301.21 1 <.0001
V8 231.51 1 <.0001
V9 93.28 1 <.0001
GGT 55.88 1 <.0001
TOTAL 5467.91 30 <.0001
The code that i used is listed below:
f <- lrm(MAFLD ~ rcs(logALT,5)+HBsAg+age_categroty+V1+V2+V3+V4+T2M1+HBP+hyperlipidemia+High_WC+UA+CREA+V5+AST+DBIL+V6+V7+V8+V9+GGT, dat)
p <- ggplot(Predict(f7, logALT, fun=exp,ref.zero=TRUE)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, color="red",linetype=2)+
theme_bw() +
ylab("Adjusted OR(95%CI)") +
annotate("text", x = Inf, y = Inf,
label = paste("P for nonlinearity", get_pvalue(f7, " Nonlinear")),
hjust = 1, vjust = 1, size = 4, color = "black") +
labs(caption=element_blank()) +
I have no idea what this is all about. Really appreciate it if you could solve this problem. Thanks in advance!!