stringtie -e -B -G /mnt/Data/VARSHA/COMBINED/ANNOTATION_FILES/ANNOTATION_FILE_MERGED/lncipediahg38_renamed.gtf /mnt/Data/VARSHA/COMBINED/SAMPLES/MERGED_STRINGTIE/samples_merged.gtf -p 32 -A gene_abundance.tsv -o sample_quantified.gtf
I have run the above command but I am getting the following error. how do I fix it?
WARNING: no reference transcripts were found for the genomic sequences where reads were mapped!
Please make sure the -G annotation file uses the same naming convention for the genome sequences.##
Also i got TPM values as 0.0 for all the samples. what does that signify?
I ask the same I always ask when people use stringtie for human data. Do you really need a transcript assembly or do you just want gene counts? If the latter then just use something like
for quantification of fastq files and skip stringtie which is both unnecessary and overly complicated for this purpose.