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7 months ago
Any idea how to identify the Beginning and end positions of the coding and non-coding region of the viral genome? Is there a dedicated tool to do this?
start end
99 518
628 1002
1141 2316
2347 3072
3262 4032
4304 4498
4689 5585
5662 7386
7607 8191
8160 8432
8499 14996
start. End
45 99
596 628
1126 1140
2330 2345
3253 3261
4220 4301
4674 4687
5649 5661
7598 7606
8491 8496
Is this correct?
Many thanks
Are there already annotations published for the genome? If so, I doubt there is a dedicated tool since this is a simple task of parsing the coordinates of a GFF/GTF/BED annotations file. Easily done with even a basic grasp of R or Python.
If not, then there are viral genome annotation tools available. Not my field, but a google showed a handful of dedicated viral genome annotation tools are available.
As far I understand non coding region equal to the intergenic region? please can you write an example for how to calculate one region ?
I have attached a pic to explain my viral genome . Thanks in advance
You also have intronic regions between exons that also count as non-coding regions. Psuedogenes and non-coding RNAs too. I'm sure there are other classes I'm forgetting.
I'm not going to write you code. You need to show initiative and understanding of the file types and what information is available. Have a go at writing a script yourself, and if you're stuck, show us what you've done and we'll be more willing to help. "Do my work for me" requests don't go down well on forums.
Thanks for the explanation.
I have already provided a code in a previous post.
virus genome annotation
In this post, my concern was about understanding how how to annotate my genome correctly?
I think you need to learn how to write a loop or a function that would parse the annotations file, and extract the coordinates rather than hard coding each and every entry as this would take you a very long time and is prone to mistakes.
The logic is simple - add start and end coordinates of a given entry to a new data table, and in another column add an if/else statement to add whether this entry is coding or not.