Hi, I am currently working on a project and I have been extracting some genetic sequences from whole genomes using exonerate protein2genome model.
The problem is that I found contraditory information regarding some sequences I obtained. For example, Ensembl says that there are no orthologous sequences for a gene in Dasypus novemcinctus, on the other hand, NCBI has that sequence for Dasypus and considers it an ortholog of the human gene. Additionaly, I obtained a perfect sequence with a high raw score in exonerate. So, it seems to me that the sequence exists in Dasypus novemcinctus and its an ortholog of the human gene. How can I be certain of this?
Another strange thing is that in Ensembl some species almost never have orthologs, like Nothoprocta perdicaria, which is extremly strange, although it is a Paleognath.
What is the best practice for this cases?
Thank you
Very enlightening. Thank you so much for your detailed exaplanation.