I am not sure If I am doing something wrong ( I don't think so based on the documentation)
I have a VCF file and I want to remove the SB flag and annotated the variants with the 4th column of my bed file. The command is this
apptainer exec --bind /mnt:/mnt docker://mgibio/bcftools-cwl:1.12 bcftools annotate \
-a "$ampliconscoordenatesbed" \
-h "$RunID"_"$Sample_Name".vcf \
-x FORMAT/SB "$RunID"_"$Sample_Name".vcf > "$RunID"_"$Sample_Name"_FINAL.vcf
With this command I get this error
Could not parse 240430_M01875_1088_000000000-LH8PT_W2407562-002.vcf: #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT 240430_M01875_1088_000000000-LH8PT_W2407562-002.bam
The VCF file come directly from Pisces and I don't see any error.
My bed file looks good too
chr1 43349260 43349367 MPL_003_F_
chr1 43349260 43349367 MPL_003_R_
chr1 45331526 45331640 MUTYH_002_F_
chr1 45331526 45331640 MUTYH_002_R_
What am I doing wrong??
what happens when you change the sample name from