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8 months ago
Hello, I'm new to bioinformatics and I have a question that's bothering me. I downloaded the data from TCGA and carried out the normalization process using TMM followed by VOOM. I would like to know, can I use the normalized counts to apply the Welch test for mean difference between sex? Or would it be better to use transcript per million, like the ualcan.com website uses?
If this is RNA-seq, and you downloaded raw counts which you now normalized by edgeR and processed with limma-voom, then you can directly use limma for a test of differential expression. There is no need for manual testing. It is (together with some other approaches, and for a variety of reasons) the most powerful option.
This is Rna-seq data normalized by edgeR, i used tumor vs normal tissue for this. I just Want to know why platforms like oncodb and ualcan uses welch t test for diference in mean for clinical features like sex, stage and etc. Thais plataforms uses the Transcripts per million as measure, can i use the normalized counts for this ?