I have four BAM files that I know to have a G->A mutation at chr20:63,439,704
An example in IGV is below:
However, when I run bcftools mpileup and call:
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f hg38.fa Q201_5bamheader.sam | bcftools call -m > Q201_5_allsites.vcf
it doesn't call the variant. The output of bcftools mpileup is:
chr20 63439704 . G A,<*> 0 . DP=24;I16=4,9,4,6,504,20028,370,13690,0,0,0,0,270,5980,250,6250;QS=0.565217,0.434783,0;VDB=0.144519;SGB=-0.670168;RPBZ=-1.96622;MQBZ=0;MQSBZ=0;BQBZ=-0.877058;SCBZ=0;MQ0F=0.958333 PL 0,6,5,39,35,7
And for bcftools call, the output is:
chr20 63439704 . G . 29.5119 . DP=24;VDB=0.144519;SGB=-0.670168;RPBZ=-1.96622;MQBZ=0;MQSBZ=0;BQBZ=-0.877058;SCBZ=0;MQ0F=0.958333;AN=2;DP4=4,9,4,6;MQ=0 GT 0/0
I already tried setting the prior to 1, but it still didn't call it. Can anyone help me troubleshoot?
The reads are not duplicates. I think the color might be due to also matching the chr20 alt contig but I'm not sure.
An example line from the sam file is:
your read is discarded because mapping quality=0
Strange, I wonder why. Could it have anything to do with the "chr20_KI270871v1_alt"?
yes, this seems to be the problem. I will try realigning to a version of hg38 without alt contigs.
what is the output of samtools mpileup for this position ?
The output is:
I uploaded the sam file here if you want to take a look: