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8 months ago
Hi, currently I have some Nanopore Direct RNA sequences. In the sequencing process rRNA should already be taken care of, although I did not perform the sequencing myself. Could anyone please help me see if the following code can remove rRNA?
# Index for Ribo Genome
minimap2 -d Tair10_Ribo_index.mmi TAIR10_ensembl_rRNA_tRNA.fa -Q -t 3 -k 14
# Map to Ribo, take unmapped reads out (samtools -f 4 does that)
minimap2 -t 10 -ax map-ont Tair10_Ribo_index.mmi nano.fastq | samtools fastq -n -f 4 - > nano_unmapped_ribo.fastq.gz
# Remap with unmapped reads
minimap2 -t 10 -G2k -x splice -uf -a tair10chr.fasta.fa.mm2.idx nano_unmapped_ribo.fastq.gz > nano_riboDepleted.sam
I have used the code but not a single read has been removed, which is highly unlikely since there should be some rRNA remaining.
Are you using publicly available datasets
Asking since I have not seen direct RNA nanopore sequences. Does the sequence contain U's in place of T's? If so that may be causing not alignment.
Hi, no it is not public data. I used Dorado to do the basecalling, and the resulting fastq file contains "T"s.
is unlikely to make an alignment error. If this run was from total RNA then it seems surprising that you have no rRNA in your data.Thanks so much! In your opinion, do you think my codes above look correct? (like the logic of mapping to ribosome, taking out the unmapped, and remap to the genome) I would like to make sure of this; if so, I think I probably need to look at my data to figure out where the issues arise.
Your operations are logical.