I am doing RNAseq analysis, i got above 90% alignment score in mapping step using HISAT2, but when i am trying to do quantification using featureCounts , i am getting low successfully assigned alignment scores around 50%. What could be the reason for that? My data is paired end and i am using the following command
i have also tried using unsorted bam file but same result
featureCounts -p -M -s 2 -O -T 8 -a /path/to/refgen/Mus_musculus.GRCm39.112.gtf -o /path/to/output/featureCounts_output.txt /path/to/sorted_bam_files/*.sorted.bam*
Any help in this will really appreciated.
Check to see if you have rRNA annotations in your GTF. It is possible that your data still contains rRNA and was not counted.
Thankyou for the reply. I have added -t gene in the command ,now i am getting 85% score.