Hi folks,
I have two coral individuals of the exact same species. I dissociated their cells, mixed them together and performed 10x chromium scRNA-seq (all in one library). I then performed bulk RNA-seq on both individuals separately.
How can I find mutational signatures for each coral individual (I am initially considering only SNPs) through bulk RNA-seq datasets and use these mutational signatures to identify the cell identity in the mixed scRNA-seq dataset? I want to distinguish the cells from the two sources, just like performing scRNA-seq on two libraries separately.
I know how to find mutations from single cells, such as SCmut and SComatic. I also know how to find mutations from bulk RNA-seq, such as Mutect2. But I have no idea how to combine the two.
Does anyone know if anyone has published a similar study? Or does anyone have a clear solution?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jared,
Thx for your reply. Awesome, that's exactly what I need. Is there any easy and direct way to generate accurate vcfs for SNPs from bulk RNA-seq?
I'd take a look at the GATK Best Practices Workflow for RNA-seq and go from there.
Great, that's my plan too. Looks like I've chosen the best direction.