Already Answered:
HI, I am doing DE analysis using DESEq2. I obtained the lists of DEGenes, however there are genes that do not show any p.values. Additionally there are genes that have p.values but do not have p.adjusted values (=NA).
I do not really iunderstand how mathematically it can happen, how can I not have a p.values AND how can I have a p.value but not have a p.adj. Would really appreciate if someone explains me.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Here follows the summary of my list:
**Min**. :-20.965658
**1st Qu.**: -0.034033
**Median**: 0.000681
**Mean**: -0.004753
**3rd Qu.**: 0.037401
**Max. ** : 3.504429
Min. :0.0000
1st Qu.:0.1242
Median :0.3765
Mean :0.4114
3rd Qu.:0.6756
Max. :0.9999
NA's :54
Min. :0.000
1st Qu.:0.427
Median :0.695
Mean :0.633
3rd Qu.:0.873
Max. :1.000
NA's :3496
Thank you very much! I somehow missed that part.