I have a bigwig (.bw) file which I can properly view on IGV. IGV makes it very difficult to edit the figure nicely so I am trying to view it in the UCSC genome browser. I uploaded my data to cyverse and used the custom track line here:
However, this successfully uploads but shows no shape/peaks. I believe some data is there though, because if I hover over the empty white-space, numbers appear around my cursor. Could anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Sorry for my ignorance.
Hahaha sorry, I should have said the URL is fake (I can't share the data). But I can confirm it works, because when I copy/paste it into a browser the data can be downloaded. That same data then shows peaks on IGV.
wrong URL:
Hahaha sorry, I should have said the URL is fake (I can't share the data). But I can confirm it works, because when I copy/paste it into a browser the data can be downloaded. That same data then shows peaks on IGV.
white is pretty unusual as a color for any plot. Is there a reason why you chose perfect white as the color for your track?