Hey everyone,
We are trying to compare the transcriptional changes of a treatment of a cell line. we have used the monomer and the dimer form of the treatment. We then selected the top 40 DEGs based on logFC of the dimer form of treatment and plotted a heatmap like below (left): ( values are logFC compared to control)
We also plotted a heatmap using the top 40 DEGs of monomer form of treatment. As you can see some genes are common in both plots but show different colors. for example SOCS2 is more yellow in plot1 compared to plot2.
I guess my question is: is there any way to normalize or use pheatmap options so that the same values in both plots show the same color?
Thank you in advance.
Great. Thank you very much!
btw, do you know which color pallete pheatmap uses as default?
It's from the RColorBrewer package:
colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(100)
Thanks a lot!