Hi, I'm having a problem using Picard's LiftoverVcf.
To lift over a vcf.gz file from hg38 to hg19, I ran the code below. The file passes were correct in the real script.
Picard LiftoverVcf -I Iutput.vcf.gz \
-O Output.vcf.gz \
-CHAIN hg38ToHg19.over.chain.gz \
-REJECT Rejected.vcf.gz \
-R hg19.fasta \
It did run, but the result was strange; more than 90 % of variants failed to match.
was created from a bam file using HaplotypeCaller in GATK. There was no problem with the contigs. I tried using LIFTOVER_MIN_MATCH
option with 0.90, but the result didn't change.
Should I use other options? Or is another process required for Iutput.vcf.gz
before lifting over?
I'm not planning to use other tools for now, so please give me hints only about Picard's LiftoverVcf.
Best, Koki
Can you show a few examples from the
file for variants that failed to match?Thank you for replying. This is a part of Rejected.vcf.gz.
I showed first 10 lines. Thank you.