Hello everyone, I am performing cell doublet prediction in scRNA analysis with DoubletFinder. However, I am encountering this error.
sweep.list <- paramSweep(filtered_seurat, PCs = 1:min.pc)
Error in .subscript.2ary(x, , j, drop = TRUE) : subscript out of bounds
In addition: Warning message:
In LayerData.Assay5(object = x, layer = i) :
multiple layers are identified by counts_CTL counts_PT
only the first layer is used
[1] "counts_CTL" "counts_PT" "data_CTL" "data_PT" "scale.data"
I have already successfully completed the analysis up to FindCluster. How can I resolve this? Should I perhaps initialize a list where I perform the DoubletFinder functions and then filter for each layer? And what type of error is the first one instead? This is the first time it has appeared in my analysis. Thank you very much for your help.
The error is telling that there are multiple layers available (seurat v5 I assume). Try by joining the layers (