Hi All,
Wondering about a leetcode like resource for bioinformatics. If such a resource exists, please let me know
Often, I find that I lack comfort in handling certain type of analysis, while some are very easy. E.g text processing seems easy but something like complicated DESeq2 formulas seem a challenge. Here a leetcode like platform would be nice staring with simple case/control and getting more complicated with increasing level of questions. Currently, I sift through papers/biostar-posts and their methods section to form a strategy for data analysis.
In academia interviews don't test much for technical knowledge but industry is different. Such a platform would be good for both recruitment and learning.
- Provide testing of knowledge in a structured manner
- Gameify learning
- Make things easy or both sides of interview table
- One can easily identify week spots and work on them specifically
Thanks, was not aware of it.