I'm dealing with a dataset from GEO that is provided as a TAR archive (GSE**_RAW.tar
) containing CEL files. These CEL files also include TXT files, which might contain supplementary or metadata information related to the microarray experiment.
When I try to read them on Rstudio I encounter this error:
**.CEL does not seem to have the correct dimensions.
Did someone solve this problem? Or can you suggest me a tutorial? My CEL file are from 3 platforms: Affymetrix Human X3P Array,Affymetrix Mapping 250K Nsp SNP Array and Affymetrix Mapping 250K Sty2 SNP Array.
I remember trying the
function from affyio package in R, but what worked better for me is reading the .chp file (which are the raw files from which CEL files are made IIRC) using thereadChp()
function from affxparser