$ mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.soe.ucsc.edu -A -P 3306 -D hg38 -e 'select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,name,alleles,alleleFreqs from snp150 where name in ("rs2088175","rs2983855","rs2821958","rs41469446","rs619987","rs2877425","rs41447048","rs41497748","rs503808","rs386628","rs6667995","rs41405345")'
| chrom | chromStart | chromEnd | name | alleles | alleleFreqs |
| chr3 | 76216220 | 76216221 | rs2088175 | C,G, | 0.875399,0.124601, |
| chr21 | 13597605 | 13597606 | rs2821958 | A,G, | 0.884181,0.115819, |
| chr4 | 68990362 | 68990363 | rs2877425 | A,G, | 0.085463,0.914537, |
| chr4_GL000257v2_alt | 566381 | 566382 | rs2877425 | A,G, | 0.085463,0.914537, |
| chr10 | 38291051 | 38291052 | rs2983855 | C,T, | 0.468850,0.531150, |
| chr6 | 28816618 | 28816619 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000250v2_alt | 82197 | 82198 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000251v2_alt | 307169 | 307170 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000252v2_alt | 82220 | 82221 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000253v2_alt | 82185 | 82186 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000254v2_alt | 82211 | 82212 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000255v2_alt | 82201 | 82202 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr6_GL000256v2_alt | 125864 | 125865 | rs386628 | C,T, | 0.339257,0.660743, |
| chr17 | 22206798 | 22206799 | rs41447048 | C,T, | 0.833067,0.166933, |
| chr18 | 14208563 | 14208564 | rs41469446 | A,G, | 0.868011,0.131989, |
| chr1 | 83314732 | 83314733 | rs41497748 | A,T, | 0.831669,0.168331, |
| chr2 | 126689276 | 126689277 | rs503808 | A,G, | 0.647364,0.352636, |
| chr1 | 149015643 | 149015644 | rs619987 | A,T, | 0.869010,0.130990, |
| chr1 | 205854053 | 205854054 | rs6667995 | A,C, | 0.758586,0.241414, |
Try rsnps package in R
Please add an example/more detail or move your suggestion to a comment. Thank you!
Added link for the package tutorial.
IMO it still needs work to qualify as an answer. The package name and package manual link are effectively just a suggestion now. I'm moving this to a comment.