Hello, everyone, I need to analyze Geomx spatial transcriptomics data, and I can get the data from https://nanostring.com/products/geomx-digital-spatial-profiler/spatial-organ-atlas/human-brain/
but when I try to do this:
# automatically list files in each directory for use
DCCFiles <- dir(file.path(datadir, "dccs"), pattern = ".dcc$",
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
PKCFiles <- unzip(zipfile = dir(file.path(datadir, "pkcs"), pattern = ".zip$",
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
SampleAnnotationFile <-
dir(file.path(datadir, "annotation"), pattern = ".xlsx$",
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
We then load the data to create a data object using the readNanoStringGeoMxSet function.
# load data
demoData <-
readNanoStringGeoMxSet(dccFiles = DCCFiles,
pkcFiles = PKCFiles,
phenoDataFile = SampleAnnotationFile,
phenoDataSheet = "Template",
phenoDataDccColName = "Sample_ID",
protocolDataColNames = c("aoi", "roi"),
experimentDataColNames = c("panel"))
I don't know what should be the annotation files, or do I need to create one? I'm so confused.