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4 months ago
How to annoate the probe id to genes the following array
GPL16686 [HuGene-2_0-st] Affymetrix Human Gene 2.0 ST Array [transcript (gene) version]
my data looks like:
GSM1507802 GSM1507803 GSM1507804
16650001 2.82 2.77 2.50
16650003 3.25 3.71 3.02
16650005 4.72 3.77 2.75
16650007 4.03 4.90 4.36
16650009 1.55 1.86 1.57
I used biomart for annotation. But it's not getting annoated.
mart = useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
mart = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart)
annotLookup = getBM(mart = mart,
attributes = c("affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1",
filter = "affy_hugene_2_0_st_v1",
values = rownames(counts)[1:10], uniqueRows=TRUE)
How can Iget these probe ids get annotated?