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6 months ago
Hi! I am trying to understand what is happening when I use AggregateExpression() in Seurat v5 for pseudobulk. This is my code
pseudobulk <- AggregateExpression(seurat_obj, assays = "RNA" , group.by = c("subtype", "DiseaseStage",
"DiseaseStage_subtype"), return.seurat = TRUE)
pseudobulk@meta.data <- as.data.frame(lapply(pseudobulk@meta.data, function(column) {
column <- gsub("-", "_", column)
column <- sub("^g", "", column)
DEGs <- data.frame()
subtype_list <- sort(unique(seurat_obj@meta.data[["subtype"]]))
ident.1_list <- sort(unique(seurat_obj@meta.data[["DiseaseStage"]]))
ident.1_list <- ident.1_list[2:length(ident.1_list)]
for (subtype in subtype_list){
for (DiseaseStage in ident.1_list) {
control_group <- paste0("WT", "__", subtype)
disease_group <- paste0(DiseaseStage, "__", subtype)
if (control_group %in% unique(pseudobulk@meta.data$DiseaseStage_subtype) &
disease_group %in% unique(pseudobulk@meta.data$DiseaseStage_subtype)){
Idents(pseudobulk) <- "DiseaseStage_subtype"
DiseaseStage_DEGs <- FindMarkers(pseudobulk, ident.1 = disease_group, ident.2 = control_group, verbose = FALSE,
test.use = "wilcox", only.pos = FALSE, logfc.threshold = 0.5)
DEGs <- rbind(DEGs, DiseaseStage_DEGs)
and I get
Error in `FindMarkers()`:
! Cells in one or both identity groups are not present in the data requested
which is odd because both
control_group %in% unique(pseudobulk@meta.data$DiseaseStage_subtype)
disease_group %in% unique(pseudobulk@meta.data$DiseaseStage_subtype)
return TRUE
. Anyone has an explanation?
Without a proper example of the dataset, it is hard to reproduce the error. Try to simplify it as much as possible to narrow down possible culprits.
My random guess would be on the level factor of your