My pair-end RNA-seq data is stranded (fr-firststrand, dUTP library). I tried to align the reads onto the genome using:
hisat2 -p 32 --dta -x genome_index -1 1P.fq.gz -2 2P.fq.gz -S map.sam
and STAR:
STAR --runThreadN 12 --readFilesCommand gunzip -c --readFilesIn 1P.fq.gz 2P.fq.gz --genomeDir star_index --outSJfilterReads Unique
However, when I check the results from the two aligners on IGV, it seems that STAR aligned the reads on the wrong strand:
The upper panel shows read junctions from STAR and the lower panel is from HISAT2.
Is it the case that STAR aligned the reads on the wrong strand? How do I fix this? Thanks
Hi, yes I realised that, but in this case, hisat2 (the lower panel) did align the reads to the correct strand - see gene model below. But STAR aligned the reads on the opposite strand.
dUTP method sequences the complementary strand: HISAT2 rna-strandness option
I see! It makes sense now, thank you.
I ran HISAT2 with
--rna-strandness RF
again, but the alignment looks the same. In fact, it looks more messy than the previous run without the strandeness option - a few reads appear to map to the reverse strand.I am so confused, in this case, HISAT2 (with and without the strandness option) always show opposite strandness compared with STAR, how this can be potentially explained?