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4 months ago
Hello everyone,
I am using this line to make my .ped .bed/etc files for PLINK (--version, 1.90b) to run some genetic analyses.
This line works perfectly:
plink --nonfounders --allow-no-sex --lfile final_report_sheep --missing-genotype - --output-missing-genotype 0 --recode --allow-extra-chr --chr-set 26 --out Sheep
However, when I add --autosome
, it gives me a "segmentation fault". Same thing when I tried --chr 1-26
or --no-chr X, Y, mt
Anyone that might now if it is something I am mis-specifying or the issue is with the version I am using?
Thanks in advance!
Best, Alex
What is the output of “plink —version”?
Thanks for the reply.
The output is:
I ended up re-making my .fam, .lgen and .map files to override this, excluding all variants from non-autosomal, so it is fine now for me. Now there is a new struggle with the --pheno command, but I am still working on that before coming here.
Thanks, Alex
I am unable to reproduce your initial segmentation fault, which should be fixed on my end. Can you please add --debug and then post full .log output from a segfaulting run? (A matched .log from the preceding successful run without —autosome would also be helpful.)
Sorry for the delayed response, I was able to proceed much further in my analysis, thankfully :)
If it is still helpfull for you, I will try to relocate the files and re-run the problematic line with --debug and get back on you with the log report by tomorrow!
Thanks, Alex
Yes, that would be helpful.