I am conducting DESeq2 analysis with three conditions and four celllinea, focusing on identifying differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for the comparisons of Control vs. Treated and Expt. Control vs. Treated within each cell line separately. The DESeqDataSet object has been filtered to include only Day 3 samples, and the design formula used is,
~ -1 + Cellline + Condition + Cellline:Condition.
The design matrix includes the following terms:
~-1 + Cellline + Condition + Cellline:Condition
[1] "CelllineO" "CelllineP" "CelllineS"
[4] "CelllineT" "ConditionExpt.control" "ConditionTreated"
[7] "CelllineP.ConditionExpt.control" "CelllineS.ConditionExpt.control" "CelllineT.ConditionExpt.control"
[10] "CelllineP.ConditionTreated" "CelllineS.ConditionTreated" "CelllineT.ConditionTreated"
I then generated the DESeq2 results for each condition comparison within the cell lines as follows:
: Usingresults(dds, name = "ConditionTreated")
for the comparison of Treated vs. Control in Cellline O.Day3_O_Treated_vs_Expt.control
: Usingresults(dds, name = "ConditionExpt.control")
for the comparison of Expt. Control vs. Control in Cellline O.Day3_P_Treated_vs_control
: Usingresults(dds, name = "CelllineP.ConditionTreated")
for the comparison of Treated vs. Control in Cellline P.Day3_P_Treated_vs_Expt.control
: Usingresults(dds, name = "CelllineP.ConditionExpt.control")
for the comparison of Expt. Control vs. Control in Cellline P. and so on for other celllinesJust wanted to know what I am doing is correct?