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3 months ago
I used bcftools to perform variant calling, but SNPs were not detected, and no SNP information was output in the VCF file. The command is as follows.
bcftools mpileup -d 1000000 -L 1000000 -Ou -f ${REF} -a FORMAT/DP,FORMAT/AD -b bam_list.txt | bcftools call --ploidy 1 -m -v -a GQ,INFO/PV4 -o ${vcfname}_raw.vcf > ./status/mpileup.log 2>&1
Using IGVtools to examine the base composition per site, I found the following proportions:
When the ploidy is set to 1, can SNPs not be detected even if approximately 30% of the bases differ from the reference? Could you please explain why no SNPs were called at all?
Thank you
check the base quality, mapping quality, sam flags...
Thank you for your response!
I apologize for the basic question, but is it correct to check base quality, mapping quality, and SAM flags using tools like
samtools view
? The quality seems to be okay...you'd could have a look in IGV. Show us a screenshot of the alignment
Thank you for your support!
How about this? I have displayed the nucleotide composition at position 554208 and the information for the top "C". Please let me know if there is any missing information.
I would appreciate it if you could check this.
no idea. I suppose it's because ploidy=1