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5 months ago
Hi all,
I try to annotate peak with ChIPseeker
, but the outcome show the start sites of a gene are differ for the same gene:
chr start end SYMBOL geneStart geneEnd
1:26233263-26235629 1 26233263 26235629 CEP85 26234200 26277687
1:26470149-26473811 1 26470149 26473811 HMGN2 26472440 26476642
1:27913903-27915369 1 27913903 27915369 RPA2 27892073 27914513
1:35748222-35748658 1 35748222 35748658 CLSPN 35746965 35748774
1:35768251-35770632 1 35768251 35770632 CLSPN 35736405 35769928
1:35771985-35772203 1 35771985 35772203 CLSPN 35732112 35769978
1:37573334-37573553 1 37573334 37573553 GNL2 37566817 37570893
1:37593320-37593538 1 37593320 37593538 GNL2 37590779 37594092
1:37595191-37596612 1 37595191 37596612 GNL2 37593485 37595935
1:75725766-75726947 1 75725766 75726947 ACADM 75726849 75763640
1:75741781-75743312 1 75741781 75743312 ACADM 75744318 75763483
1:93874059-93874743 1 93874059 93874743 DNTTIP2 93869780 93873369
1:93878084-93880000 1 93878084 93880000 DNTTIP2 93876759 93879156
for e.g: CLSPN have genestart at: 35746965, 35736405 , 35732112
I use the code from the tutorial:
peakAnno <- annotatePeak(macsPeaks_GR,
tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000),
Can anyone help me explain this?