Hi all, now I'm analyzing scRNA seq. The problem is that I don't think batch correction work well. I want to see the aging difference between young and old group so I want to do batch correction in sex. but, I don;t think it work well. (I don't have any repeats in my dataset) Thank you so muuch!!
WAT <- merge(WAT_M_Y, y = c(WAT_M_O, WAT_F_Y, WAT_F_O),
project = "WAT")
WAT@meta.data$type <- c(rep("Young", ncol(WAT_M_Y)),
rep("Old", ncol(WAT_M_O)),
rep("Young", ncol(WAT_F_Y)),
rep("Old", ncol(WAT_F_O)))
WAT@meta.data$sex <- c(rep("Male", ncol(WAT_M_Y)),
rep("Male", ncol(WAT_M_O)),
rep("Female", ncol(WAT_F_Y)),
rep("Female", ncol(WAT_F_O)))
WAT$lowQC <- ifelse(WAT$nFeature_RNA>500 &
WAT$percent.mt <10, "PASS", "FAIL")
WAT<- subset(WAT, subset = lowQC == "PASS")
WAT <- NormalizeData(WAT)
WAT_variable <- FindVariableFeatures(WAT, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
WAT_variable <- ScaleData(WAT_variable, vars.to.regress = c("percent.mt"))
VariableFeaturePlot(object= WAT_variable)
WAT_variable <- RunPCA(WAT_variable, features = VariableFeatures(WAT_variable), verbose = T)
#batch correction
WAT_variable2 <- RunHarmony(WAT_variable, group.by.vars = "sex")