Hi, I have started using renv for environment management, but I was not very successful. When I initialize a new renv environment by renv::init() it creates all the folders and files but when I activate the environment renv::activate() it outputs: "renv activated -- please restart the R session." I don't understand this and it is not well explained in the documentation. Doesn't restarting R session resets the environment? Even though it does not make sense to me, I did that but apparently the renv environment is not activated and I am in a vicious loop that does not load the environment. Any help on that is very appreciated.
> renv::activate()
- renv activated -- please restart the R session.
It is not very clear by reading the docs. I have tried it multiple times but only with trial and error I realized that if I start R from the renv directory it activates the environment automatically. If I start R from anywhere else it starts base R environment. The doc can be written better specifically that many people could be coming from conda or venv to renv and can easily get confused. Thanks for the input Mark.