I integrated some scRNA-seq data using Harmony on Seurat V4 back in 2022, but I didn’t save the Seurat object at that time. When I needed to perform further analysis, I reran Harmony on the same data, but the clustering results were quite different. Specifically, the number of clusters decreased from 20 to 18, and most importantly, I can’t find cluster 17, which is crucial for our analysis.
Is there any way to recover the clustering results from 2022? If reproducing the previous results isn't possible, I plan to increase the resolution parameter until I see the cluster of interest and annotate the new clusters. How can I justify that the new annotation closely matches the previous one?
Thank you for your help!
Are you using the exact same computer (same processor and OS) ?
No, I have a diferent MacBook now. Do you think that can affect harmony embeddings?
I have seen something similar before. If the processor chip from your MacBooks are different, it might affect your results. Like the way the processors are handling floating (Consistency of Seurat SCTransform across computers/environments)
looks like my it's related to M2 processor. I ran the script on Linux and it was able to find the cluster of interest. Still, the number of clusters is 19 but I used Seurat V5, maybe if I go back to V4 I'll be able to reproduce my initial result. Thank you!