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3 months ago
I wish to plot the results from an admixture analysis for the K value that I have identified appropriate for my population (k=5) using the BITEV2 package in R. The challenge is that by default it seems like the membercoeff.circos can only plot a range of k values e.g. the code
membercoeff.circos(in.file = "output", out.file = "test", software = "Admixture",
maxK = 5, K.to.plot = 5, halfmoon = FALSE,
plot.main = "Admixture plot when k=5",
plot.format = "pdf", plot.width = 30, plot.height = 30)
is expecting output.2.Q but I don't want to plot k=2,3, and 4 just k=5.
Help/suggestions are much appreciated.