Entering edit mode
5 months ago
Dear all, please help me find the best tool for the nucleotide sequence alignment of the multiple sequences of the colourful and interactive publication quality figures of the multiple sequences. Thanks in advance
Entering edit mode
- sam2tsv add in my path
- login error through mobaxterm
- extract the all columns from 1 file giving a list of another file
- command to make a coordinate file from the header
- Sum of the column of the CSV file
- command for to know the count of matching and not matching
- command for common between three files
- Fasta header contain multiple string
- bedtools getfasta command
- Blast command use
- Gene name put in volcano plot with already have file.
- Want to reverse the fasta sequence
- Remove fasta sequence on the basis of header name
- want to extract all column which have particular value
- Extract column which contain <20 exons in a transcript
- change the header of fasta sequence
- for loop command
- creating virtual library preparation of all possible exons in a gene in human
- Regarding tophat output
- Extract the rows which contains values greater than 0.
- trimming of fasta file
- Script for making exon file
- Create a single fastq ids in each row
- intersect two file
- cut the sequence from fasta file
- know the grep command for fastq file
- sed or awk command
- import of kallisto file into R through IsoformswitchanalyzeR
- find_circ - test data error
- convert genome file to transcriptome file
• link
5 months ago by
Pierre Lindenbaum