I wanted to get the intersection from a set of bam files that I have and a bed file that I made of some genes that I'm interested in. I made the bedfile using gtf2bed with no error messages.
when I use bedtools intersect -a sample.bam -b reference.bed
between a bam file and the bed file of the genes I'm interested in, I keep getting the error:
***** ERROR: illegal character 'X' found in integer conversion of string "X". Exiting...
I greped the bed file and it looks like they're coming from the X chromosome...
Including a subset of the bed file here:
479:MTMR1 X 150692971 150765103 + gene
480:FAM58A X 153587919 153600045 - gene
481:RENBP X 153935263 153944691 - gene
482:RPL10 X 154389955 154409168 + gene
I don't get this error (e.g. the command runs) if I run with bedtools intersect -a sample.bam -b reference.gtf
but the outputted file is gibberish.
I'm not sure what to do here because these are genes on the X chromosome and I've seen nothing like this in the cases online.
Would be grateful for any/all suggestions here.
- gene body coverage with RSeqQC
- Alignment prior to passing SAM/BAM to DEXSeq
- differential splicing between two groups for 5 genes
- interpreting voom mean variance plots with large BCV and faint kink
- comparing fragmented RNA-seq to non-fragmented RNA-seq
- limma voom -- all genes after filtering are differentially expressed
- exact counts tables for limma voom guide
- unsorting a bam file
- diagnosing contamination in RNA-seq data
- downloading (and using) a NCBI BLAST database
- different ID for 'gene name' vs 'gene synonym' in ENSEMBL.
- how htseq-count counts unstranded RNA-seq data