Hi all,
I have some rRNA-depleted transcriptome sequencing data. They are from leukaemia samples. Is it possible to call mutations without germline seqeuncing data from RNA-Seq?
I know there are pipelines for WGS without germline data even though it's not ideal. Also, in recent years, more and more people started to call CNV/SNP/mutation from RNA-Seq data, which is still not a recommended practice from I've gathered. But is it still worth trying? Are there any known pipelines out there that would could do this?
I appreciate you input.
Thanks DGTool I think I will try Mutect2 after the two passing on STAR. I posted on slack the other day about the nfcore pipeline and I think it's probably a similar pipeline with HaplotypeCaller. So it won't be very useful for bulk sequencing of leukaemia/tumour. It's sort of a backup/last resort in case we couldn't get WGS.