Hi, community,
I am trying to run a bash file with the following, and everything works fine except I keep getting segmentation faults, Can anyone help me solve this?
Below is the bash script:
# Change working directory
cd "/mnt/e/Genomic learning/pipeline/RNA_Seq_pipeline"
# STEP 1: Run FastQC
fastqc Data/demo.fastq -o Data/
# Run Trimmomatic to trim reads with poor quality
java -jar /mnt/f/Trimmomatic-0.39/trimmomatic-0.39.jar SE -threads 4
/mnt/e/Genomic/learning/pipeline/RNA_Seq_pipeline/data/demo_trimmed.fastq TRAILING:10 -phred33
echo "Trimmomatic finished running!"
fastqc Data/demo_trimmed.fastq -o Data/
# STEP 2: Run HISAT2
# mkdir HISAT2
# Get the genome indices
wget https://genome-idx.s3.amazonaws.com/hisat/grch38_genome.tar.gz
# Run alignment
echo "HISAT2 started running!"
hisat2 -q --rna-strandness R -x HISAT2/grch38/genome -U Data/demo_trimmed.fastq | samtools sort -o HISAT2/demo_trimmed.bam
echo "HISAT2 finished running!"
# STEP 3: Run featureCounts - Quantification
# Get GTF
wget http://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-106/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.gtf.gz
echo "featureCounts started running!"
featureCounts -s 2 -a ../hg38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.106.gtf -o quants/demo_featurecounts.txt
echo "featureCounts finished running!"
echo "$((duration / 60)) minutes and $((duration % 60)) seconds elapsed."
Keeping in mind I have correct directories and I evaluated the HISAT bam file with samtools and no errors appeared.
The error: "Segmentation fault" after running the feature counts, and everything else runs smoothly
Thank you, I already extracted manually, as I am using WSL, and directories are correct, and I still get the error saying "Segmentation fault"
Can you try running each part/command manually on the command line (instead of the bash script) to see if there might be an error/warning that gets missed in one of the previous steps which could effect the
run?Please show relevant code. This is almost certainly some issue with the GTF.
I tried running htseq-counts and it worked, confirming the integrity of the bam file and the GTF file, featureCounts still yield the same thing "Segmentation fault"
And I've run each command separately and everything was seamless, except the featureCounts command.
How did you obtain the
executable? Does it work ok with:Also: which version are you using? On which system?
it works pretty well for the commands you've mentioned,
I am using WSL (ubuntu)
here is the command
and the rest of the output
I've downloaded the subread from their original website, and I've put the binaries in the PATH
You may not have enough RAM assigned to your WSL See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1296124/how-to-increase-memory-and-cpu-limits-for-wsl2-win and check if that helps.
Thank you, it helped me, even it didn't work, so I deleted the subread and reinstalled it using this, and it finally worked
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