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9.2 years ago
Hello Team,
I am trying to run GATK
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -R reference.fasta -I header.bam -o realigned.intervals
My reference is a trinity assembled genome with GO terms in fasta header and already indexed. I get error:
Bad input: We encountered a non-standard non-IUPAC base in the provided reference: '13
Any idea what is going wrong?
There's a non-standard non-IUPAC base in your reference.fasta? Output of:
grep -v '^>' reference.fasta | sed 's/[a,A,g,G,c,C,t,T,u,U]//g'
Alternatively, it could be related to the encoding of your file, in which case e.g. dos2unix could be a solution. Google knows a lot about your problem..
This will be due to a \r (ascii 13), so you nailed it with dos2unix.
Thanks for your suggestions !
same issue. how can i resolve it. kindly give me the suggestion
Above is the error I got
Did you try the commands noted above?
which command you are talking about
Click here --> GATK "We encountered a non-standard non-IUPAC base in the provided reference: '13"
i have gone through this but couldn't tackle the problem. could you please explain a little
get error while running gatk snp calling