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5 months ago
I have targeted sequencing (WGS)
I have uploaded bam and vcf file for sample; From these screenshot which one shows/support this mutation
I am struggling to understand how to use bam file in IGV to see if reads support a mutation which passed the filter
Thanks for any help
Why are there more than one screenshot if you are referring to a specific location? Which of the shots is supposed to be the location (you seem to be showing 1791something coordinates instead of 1792* per table)? You seem to have a large number of reads and IGV is likely downsampling the data. Have you checked that setting? Also use "Pack" setting to pack more reads in view.
I am very new to IGV I am not sure how to do that I took several screenshot because I do not know which part is the mutation I want
You can directly type in the coordinate you want to look at in the relevant box at the top e.g.
that will put the coordinate dead center in the IGV window. You can then zoom out if needed.