I need a genome of one plant species, which is a diploid. I downloaded two haplotype-resolved assemblies from a research paper (HIFi-C, chromosome-scale genome assembly). I wondered how to recover the diploid genome assembly. I noticed that the hifiasm may fulfill this. However, I am still confused after reading the manual. Moreover, I also need the gene annotation GFF file. Although the authors provide the GFF file for each haplotype, how can I retrieve the GFF file for the diploid genome? I assume the duplicates should be removed from the two GFF files, but how do we handle the variants (when the same location has different functions and annotations)?
Any suggestions?
Many thanks!
Yes, you are absolutely right. I realized that the genome from the regular assembly approach is a single haploid; actually, the assembly is a hybrid.
I appreciate your comments and suggestions! You made my day.