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11 weeks ago
I'm trying to install lima from PacBio to demultiplex some sequencing data. I've tried in micromamba environments with python 2.7 and 3.10.13, but get the same error message.
Commands I've tried:
conda install -c bioconda lima
conda install bioconda::lima
conda install bioconda/label/cf201901::lima
Here's what I get:
$ conda install -c bioconda lima
pkgs/main/osx-64 No change
bioconda/noarch No change
pkgs/main/noarch No change
bioconda/osx-64 No change
pkgs/r/osx-64 No change
pkgs/r/noarch No change
conda-forge/noarch 16.8MB @ 1.1MB/s 15.5s
conda-forge/osx-64 34.0MB @ 1.5MB/s 22.5s
Pinned packages:
- python 2.7.*
error libmamba Could not solve for environment specs
The following package could not be installed
lima does not exist (perhaps a typo or a missing channel).
critical libmamba Could not solve for environment specs
Does anyone have any ideas how to resolve? I'm on a MacBook if that makes any difference.
Try create a separate environment
Tried that, including with different python versions as above, and get the same result